null Issuing a driving licence for the first time (cat. AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, T)
If you do not have a driving licence (cat. AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, T) and you want to obtain it, here you will find information on how to do it.
[i] Any person who wishes to obtain a driving licence must generate a Driver Candidate Profile (PKK). On the basis of the PKK, institutions that are involved in the process of granting driving licences, e.g. driving schools, authorities, Provincial Traffic Centres (WORD) will recognise you as a candidate for becoming a driver.
- Complete an application for a driving licence.
- Attach the required documents to the application.
- Hand in your application and the required documents to the district office where you live. You can do this in a number of ways. Detailed information can be found in the section Application and collection location.
- You will receive a Driver Candidate Profile (PKK), with which you will enrol for training and the state examination.
- Once you have passed the state exam, once again report to the district office. Include a confirmation of payment for the issue of a driving licence. If you fail to do so, we will leave your application unprocessed.
- The driving licence should be ready for collection within a maximum of 30 days. Information on whether it can be collected is available at the relevant office or on the website.
- Collect your driving licence - bring your ID with you.
Required documents
- A completed and signed application for a driving licence.
- Consent to the processing of optional personal data (e.g. telephone number), if you give it.
- A medical certificate stating that there are no medical contraindications to driving.
- A colour photograph with the dimensions 35 x 45 mm.
[!] The detailed information concerning the requirements it must meet can be found at - If you are under 18, a written consent from a parent or legal guardian, drawn up in the presence of an official.
- If you are a foreigner - a residence card, visa, or other document that confirms your legal stay in Poland, or a certificate that you have been studying for at least 6 months.
- Confirmation of payment for your driving licence - you can bring this once you have passed your exam.
- A completed and signed Statement of knowledge concerning Art. 233 of the penal code.
- A completed and signed Declaration made pursuant to Art. 11 sec. 1(5) of the Driving Act.
- Power of attorney - if you are represented by an authorised representative in the case. If you wish to submit a copy of the power of attorney, it must be certified by:
- a notary,
- a lawyer or legal adviser who is an attorney in the case,
- an authorised employee of the office that is handling the case. In such a case, you must also present the original document.
[!] In individual cases, we may require you to submit additional documents and explanations.
If you wish to verify what rights you have in relation to the processing of your personal data in this case, please read our Information Clause.
PLN 100 - fee for issuing a driving licence.
You can perform the payment for your driving licence:
- at the district office cash desk,
- at a fee machine - if available at the place where you submit the application
- by bank transfer - choose the account assigned to the district office where you will submit your application.
Possible additional charges:
PLN 17 - stamp duty on submitting a document that confirms the granting of a power of attorney. The power of attorney you grant to a spouse, ascendant (parent, grandparent), descendant (child), or sibling is free of stamp duty.
PLN 5 - fee for certification of a copy of the document for conformity with the original by an employee of the office. We charge the fee for the certification of each page started. If you are submitting originals or documents already certified as true copies - we will not charge this fee.
You can perform the payments:
- at the district office cash desk
- at the fee machine - if available at the place where you submit the application
- by transfer to a bank account
You can make a transfer to the office's bank account:
Office of the Capital City of Warsaw
Taxpayer Service Centre
21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070
In the title of the transfer please provide what you are paying the fee for, e.g. power of attorney fee for XXX XXXX in the case of XXXXX.
Application and collection location
You can do this in person at the office or online.
I'm handling the matter in person:
- Come to delegation of the Administration & Resident Services Department of the district where you live. Submit the completed application with the required attachments.
- [!] The forms are also available at the office.
- Bring an identity document with you.
- We will confirm your permanent or temporary residence registration in the system. If you do not have a registration, please provide another document to prove your address - we will verify it during the service. We will consider each such case individually.
- We will provide you with information concerning generating a PKK with its number.
- If you pass the practical exam - the Provincial Traffic Centre (WORD) will send information to your office.
- Collect your driving licence.
[!] If you wish to apply in person at the office, you can book an appointment in the Appointment Booking System.
I'm handling the matter online:
You can submit your application electronically via the PWPW S.A. box at - you must have an account set up there to do so.
- Log in to the PWPW box.
- Complete an application for a driving licence.
- Attach the documents listed in the Required Documents section as a scan or photo.
- Sign the application:
- with an ePUAP trusted profile or
- with a secure electronic signature verified by a valid qualified certificate.
- Before issuing your driving licence, report to the delegation of the Administration & Resident Services Department of the district where you live and present:
- the original medical certificate stating that there are no medical contraindications to driving,
- a completed and signed Statement of knowledge concerning Art. 233 of the penal code.
- a completed and signed Declaration made pursuant to Art. 11 sec. 1(5) of the Driving Act.
- We will send you your driving licence by post to the address indicated on your application - you must acknowledge the receipt.
Deadline for reply
- Generating the PKK - up to 2 working days.
- Preparing the driving licence document for issue - up to 9 working days.
- Cases that require investigation - up to 1 month.
- Particularly complex cases - up to 2 months.
The deadline for case processing is calculated from the day you submit a complete application.
Appeal mode
If you receive a decision, you may appeal against it to the Local Government Appeal Board in Warsaw (ul. Obozowa 57). Submit your appeal through the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw (to the address of the delegation of the Administration & Resident Services Department at which the application has been issued).
You have 14 days from the date of receipt of the decision to file an appeal. You do not have to pay for submitting it.
We may ask you to fill in the application again if the application is, for example, filled in illegibly.
Legal basis
- Act of 14 June 1960 Code of Administrative Procedure
- Act of 16 November 2006 on stamp duty
- Act of 5 January 2011 on vehicle drivers
- Act of 27 August 1997 on vocational and social rehabilitation and the employment of disabled persons
- Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 24 February 2016 on the issue of documents certifying entitlements to drive vehicles
- Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of November 24 2023 on the examination of persons applying for driving licences, training, examination, and obtaining of qualifications by examiners, as well as models of documents used in these matters
- Ordinance of the Minister for Transport, Construction, and the Maritime Economy of 11 January 2013 on the fees for the issue of documents stating entitlements to drive vehicles
- Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 May 2016 on models of documents stating entitlements to drive (as amended).
- Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 4 March 2016 on the training of persons applying for driving licences, instructors and lecturers
- Regulation of the Minister of Health of December 5, 2022 on medical examinations of persons applying for driving licenses and drivers
Version 1.0 of 19.02.2024.
- Oświadczenie o zapoznaniu się z treścią art. 233 kk (Opens New Window)
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