null 20-minute MZA bus ticket

Flaga Wielkiej Brytanii



Along with long-term and single-fare transfer tickets, passengers can buy 20-minute tickets in the ticket vending machines installed in Miejskie Zakłady Autobusowe [Urban Bus Transport Company ‒ MZA] buses.

 Ticket vending machines are installed in some MZA buses. They offer 20-minute tickets, single-fare transfer tickets, long-term tickets coded on the Warsaw City Card (and other cards constituting ticket carriers) and Senior Tickets. These vending machines only accept credit or debit card payments.

20-minute and single-fare transfer tickets purchased at ticket vending machines have the paper “receipt” form. They are considered valid from the moment of purchase, not requiring an additional validation at the validating machine. Passengers who would like to use the metro service with such tickets should either enter the platform with a free multiple-use pass (which can be collected from a dispenser located at the metro gates) or use the lift.


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