Welcome to the official website of the Warsaw 19115 City Contact Centre. We are available 24/7.
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- Podatki i opłaty
- Podatek od nieruchomości osób fizycznych
- Podatek od nieruchomości osób fizycznych i prawnych
- Podatek od nieruchomości - pytania i informacje
- Podatek rolny od osób fizycznych i prawnych
- Podatek od środków transportowych od osób fizycznych i prawnych
- Podatek leśny od osób fizycznych i prawnych
- Podatki - formularz aktualizacji danych
- Opłata skarbowa - numer rachunku bankowego
- Wszystko o odpadach
- Wszystko o odpadach
- Opłaty za odpady
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- Odpady wielkogabarytowe
- Rzetelnie o systemie gospodarki odpadami
- Ulotki, plakaty, broszury do pobrania
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- Płatności online
- Harmonogram odbioru odpadów
- Strefa Czystego Transportu (SCT)
- Wed16:1112 Mar 2025*
As of February 20, 2025, tasks related to vehicle registration of foreign companies with branches in Poland have been transferred to the Delegations of the Office of Administration and Civil Affairs (BAiSO) in the districts where the company is headquartered.
Administrative matters / - Mon12:0503 Mar 2025*
From 19.02.2025 to 18.04.2025, exercises organized by military unit No. 2305 are planned in the districts of Włochy and Wola.
Security / - Fri11:0907 Feb 2025*
Starting February 3, 2025, the Paid Unattended Parking Zone expanded to include more areas of Mokotow.
Roads /
Download our application
Would you like to report a problem or do you have an idea to improve the city functioning? Use the Warsaw 19115 free application to report your application Fast and easy.
Coronavirus actions of Warsaw
In Poland, an epidemic threat has been announced due to an increase of coronavirus-related illness. How to protect yourself and what to do if we suspect an infection? What matters will you do on-line in the City of Warsaw Districts? How long will schools be closed? Learn about the activities of Warsaw. Available language versions: Ukrainian and Russian.
Book your appointment in the City hall
Appointment booking system enables to book an appointment and to check current queues in the City of Warsaw Districts and in some divisions of the Civil Registrar’s Office. Site available only in Polish.
Government website for citizens
OBYWATEL.GOV.PL is a useful source of information on services provided by the government. Currently you will find several dozen of the most common services provided by the public administration. Site available only in Polish.
Warsaw Notification System
Through this system you will get information on important events in the city. Messages are distributed through SMS news and Warsaw 19115 mobile application users will receive PUSH messages. Site available only in Polish.
- Warsaw brand (PL)
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- Informacja dot.ochrony danych osobowych (na podstawie przepisu prawa)
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